1.1 The robot team is composed of no more than 3 team members.
1.2 The team will have 1 mentor or not
1.3 Age categories
- 1.3.1 Junior Age 5 - 13
- 1.3.2 Senior Age 14 - 19
1.4 Each competitor can compete in only one team per division.
2. Features of the drone

2.1 กำหนดให้ใช้โดรนรูปทรงกลมแบบ 4 ใบพัด รุ่น SkyKick / SkyKick 2 /SkyKick EVO ซึ่งมีขนาดเส้นผ่านศูนย์กลางของโดรน 20cm±1cm น้ำหนักไม่เกิน 110g. (รวมแบตเตอรี่ แต่ไม่รวมรีโมท)
2.2 The drone must be controlled remotely using remote control.
2.3 Competitors must present their drones to the judges for inspection before entering the competition field every time.
3.Competition rules
Played indoor in a predetermined “flying zone” measuring up to 4m x 8m with a net surrounding it for safety
3.1 Competition: Each team consists of three players. Two teams maneuver their own drone ball, driving it toward the opponent’s goal post while defending their own. Only the Striker from each team can score goals.
3.2 The competition lasts 3 minutes.
3.3 The Judge will signal the drone's propeller arm. and ordered the competition to begin Players will then be able to take-off their drones to begin competing.
3.4 Players in the Striker position will score points by flying through the opponent's goal (in the case that the Striker cannot continue playing, the Guide will play the Striker position instead).
3.5 After the Striker has flown through the opponent's goal, an LED indicator will light up on the goal. Players in all positions must retreat behind the Center Line (line in the middle of the field) for the judge to count the scores. and start a new goal when the LED light turns off. *If the player does not wait for the LED light and a goal is scored the judge will not count the score for that goal.
3.6 When the competition time (3 minutes) end, the judge will blow his whistle to end the competition. Have the contestants make a landing.
3.7 Players are not allowed to enter the field until game time has ended and the judge has informed them that they can collect their drones.
3.8 Winning results by counting points from flying through the goal. The team that scores more points wins.
3.9 If any competitor tries to obstruct the flight of the competing team and causes an aviation accident. The judge will disqualify that team from the competition.
3.10 If any other event or case occurs within the field, decision and discretion of the judge is final.
*** Note : : Competition rules if changed. The committee will inform you on the day of the competition.
4. Arena
4.1 Played indoor in a predetermined “flying zone” measuring up to 4m x 8m with a net surrounding it for safety.

รูปสนามมุมมองแบบ Top view
4.2 Goal size is a loop with a diameter of approximately 30-37 centimeters (approximately).

4.3 Score Count: The drone must survive passing the Goal in order to receive a score.

5. Players and positions
5.1 Player positions include:
STRIKER | is the scorer |
SWEEPER | is กองกลาง ผู้เล่นที่มีบทบาทในการตีกองหลังของฝ่ายตรงข้ามเพื่อให้กองหน้าทำประตูได้ง่ายขึ้น หรือช่วยป้องกันกองหลังไม่ให้ฝ่ายตรงข้ามทำประตู สามารถทำประตูได้ก็ต่อเมื่อ STRIKER ไม่สามารถเล่นต่อได้ |
KEEPER | is the goalkeeper Plays a role in blocking and preventing opponents from flying into the goal. Unable to score a goal With the exception of only one player remaining, the Keeper is allowed to score. ไม่สามารถทำประตูได้ ยกเว้นเหลือผู้เล่นเพียงคนเดียว อนุญาตให้ Keeper ทำประตูได้ |

5.2 Dividing players into 2 sides: the red team and the blue team. The players will be in the area outside the net on their own side. and try to fly the drone through the hoops on the opposite side to score.

1st winner (one team) receives a trophy
Competency certificate.
ได้รับสิทธิ์เข้าร่วมการแข่งขัน 2025 FIDA World Cup in South Korea (September 2025)
2. first runner-up (one team) receives a trophy
Competency certificate.
ได้รับสิทธิ์เข้าร่วมการแข่งขัน 2025 FIDA World Cup in South Korea (September 2025)
3.second runner-up (one team) receives a trophy
Competency certificate.
ได้รับสิทธิ์เข้าร่วมการแข่งขัน 2025 FIDA World Cup in South Korea (September 2025)
4. third runner-up (one team) receives a trophy
Competency certificate
ได้รับสิทธิ์เข้าร่วมการแข่งขัน 2025 FIDA World Cup in South Korea (September 2025)
5.fourth runner-up (four team) receives a trophy.
Competency certificate
ได้รับสิทธิ์เข้าร่วมการแข่งขัน 2025 FIDA World Cup in South Korea (September 2025)