
A match is fought between two teams, each team having one or more members. Only two team members from each team may approach the ring; The operator and the assistant will enter the game area, the other team members must watch from the audience. In accordance A match is fought between two teams, each team having one or two contestants. There is only main controller and assistant can touch or force robot. In accordance with the game rules each team competes on a Dohyo (sumo ring) with a robot that they have constructed themselves to the specifications in Section. The match starts at the judge's command and continuous until a contestant earns two Yuhkoh points. The judge determines the winner of the match


2.1The robot team consists of 1 member 

2.1 The team will have 1 mentor or not

2.2 Age Categories

  • 2.2.1 Open min Age are 5 Years

2.3 Each competitor can compete in only one team per division.

3. Sumo Ring 

3.1 The dohyo interior is defined as the playing surface surrounded by and including the border line. Anywhere outside this area is called the dohyo exterior.

3.2 The Sumo ring shall be circular in shape and of the appropriate dimensions for the given size class. Material: Wood Diameter: 770 mm. Hight: Above ground 18 mm.

3.3 The border line is marked as a white circular ring of a width with 25 mm. appropriate for the given class on the outer edge of the playing surface. The area inside white circular ring is black.

3.4 There should be a space appropriate for the given class outside the outer edge of the ring. This space can be of any color, and can be of any material or shape as long as the basic concepts of these rules are not violated

4.Requirement for Robot

4.1 The robot's size must not exceed 10 x 10 centimeters, with no height restriction. The robot should fit into a provided 10 x 10 centimeter box. The total weight, including the battery and any other components, should not exceed 500 grams before the competition.

อุปกรณ์ทั้งหมด (ไม่นับรวมสายโหลดโปรแกรม คอมพิวเตอร์)

4.2 The robot must start operating automatically after receiving a signal from the remote control provided by the organizer. Any player control are prohibited

4.3 Robots are built or assembled from self-made parts or ready-made parts that are available, but they must not cause damage to the playing field.

4.4 There is no limit on the model or brand and the number of the main control board. 

4.5 Permission is granted to use electric motors of any type and form without restriction, and the robot may install a maximum of 4 motors

4.6 Power supply limitation.

  • 4.6.1 Unlimited number of batteries voltage and current.
  • 4.6.2 Batteries used in competitions must be clearly labeled with voltage and current. Do not use deteriorated batteries, faded labels, or chemical liquid spills or swelling to competitive.

4.7 The robot can be enlarged while competing. But must not shoot, throw or send any other parts or equipment out of the robot during the race. Otherwise, you will lose that match immediately.

4.8 Fastening of screws and nuts or other fixing devices in the robot must act firmly. If during the match, any piece falls off, breaks, or onto the field, the judge will remove it and allow the competition to continue. The judge cannot be held liable for the consequences incurred during the removal of a piece that has fallen out of bounds.

4.9 The automatic robot must install a remote control signal receiving module from the organizer to initiate its operation. The module should be installed in a location that easily receives signals in the form of infrared light, without any obstructions hindering signal reception.

Start Module

5. Prohibits for creating a robot.

5.1 Must not do anything which interferes the performance of competitor's detectors, such as transmitting infrared light to interfere of the competitor's infrared modules or installing parts that are white or tinted or reflective paint that causes competitor’s detectors to malfunction.

5.2 No components or equipment may be used. As soon as worn, it can harm sumo rings. Including the wheels that have been coated or impregnated with oil or another lubricant.

5.3 Must not install or use equipment containing liquids. Flour or dust, including air, can be sent to a competitor's robot by any means.

5.4 It must not use any equipment when operating normally, could generate a flame or burning

5.5 It must not use any device that can shoot, throw, or send parts from the robot to an opponent.

Prohibition on installing or using any devices and tools that can attach the robot to the arena floor and the sumo ring, including but not limited to glue, adhesive rubber, tape, stickers, and special equipment used to support or create resistance against the arena floor, such as a Jet system

6. Competition

6.1 In each match of the competition, there are 3 rounds, and each round lasts no more than 2 minutes. 

6.2 The winner of the competition is the team with the best score in 3 rounds, such as winning 2 out of 3 rounds. Each win in a round earns the team 1 Yuhkoh. If no team scores before the end of the time limit, the round is considered a draw. If all 3 rounds are completed and no team has scored 2 Yuhkoh, the judges will make the following decisions

  • If both teams get 1 Yuhkoh (each round win) and there is a tie for 1 round, the lighter-weight team wins
  • If all 3 rounds are tied, the team with the lighter-weight wins.
  • If there is a tie in 2 rounds and either team wins the remaining rounds, the match is considered the winner.
  • If after the first 2 rounds of the competition, no team has won or scored 2 Yuhkoh, a third round must be played. For example, if in the first round Team A wins, in the second round they draw, a third round must be played. If in the third round Team B wins, the decision will be determined by weighing. The team with the lighter weight will be declared the winner, except in the championship round, where a special overtime round must be played

e eliminated. The winners of each match advance to the next round, competing in a single-elimination format until the championship, runner-up, and second runner-up teams are determined 

7. Start, Resume, End a Match

7.1 The competitors on the field must meet when the judge’s signals. 

7.2 The judges will throw boundary markers onto the competition arena. The boundary markers will divide the arena into 4 sections. The robots will be placed opposite each other in the designated areas, and a specific part of the robot must touch the white boundary line, as shown in the example image 

Picture Simpale of Place robot

7.3 In the first round, take a luck. The losing team in the toss, the robot must be placed on the floor in accordance with Rule 7.2, with either side facing robot to the opponent. Then another team that wins the toss places the robot on the ground after them. Once the robot is placed, do not move its position.

7.4 Automated robot, when the judge gives a signal, through the remote system, the robot can start working, previously that there are no competitors within the ring area and the sideline area.

7.5 Starting from the second round onwards, the team that won the previous round will be the one to place their robot on the arena floor behind the Chikiri line first. The robot can be oriented in any direction towards the opposing side. The team that lost in the previous round will then place their robot on the arena floor behind

7.6 The competition may be paused and restarted only when announced by the judges.

7.7 The competition officially concludes when the head judge announces that competitors should remove their robots from the arena

8. Yuhkoh Point

8.1 One Yuhkoh point shall be given when: 

  • 8.1.1 The opposing robot has touched the space outside the ring by any component.
  • 8.1.2 When any part of the opposing team's robot makes contact with the floor outside the sumo ring , the opposing team will earn 1 Yuhkoh
  • 8.1.3 The robots are entangled or orbiting each other with no perceivable progress for five seconds 

8.2 If the robot is still on the ring line, not yet considered scored, let's continue to compete. 

8.3 The match shall be stopped under the following conditions:

  • 8.3.1 The robots are stucked or spliced each other with no perceivable progress for five seconds.
  • 8.3.2 If both robots move repetitively, such as moving forward and backward continuously, rotating constantly, or moving in a circular pattern continuously for 5 seconds, and in case of a stop or standstill, it is considered an event without progress in movement. However, the judges have the authority to extend the time to 30 seconds in this situation
  • 8.3.3 In the event that one team experiences an occurrence from the previous rule, the other team will be awarded 1 Yuhkoh. However, the judges have the authority to extend the time to 30 seconds in this situation.
  • 8.3.4 If both robots make contact with the floor outside the sumo ring, and it cannot be clearly determined who made contact first, the judges will rule for a rematch

9. Foul Out

9.1 Competitors acting insultingly insult the opponent, whether by word or action, or have the robot make sounds, display messages, or perform insulting gestures. Insulting an opponent will result in a forfeit penalty.

9.2 Enter the ring area during the race. except in the case of entering to remove the robot when the Chief Judge announces the Yuhkoh score or during a stoppage of the game.

9.3 Throw or take any parts or equipment into the ring area 

9.4 Competitor in violation of rules 2, 4 and 5.

10. Punishment

10.1 Competitors who violate the rules and provisions in sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4 will be immediately declared losers and 2 Yuhkoh will be awarded to the opposing team. The offender has no right to appeal

10.2 If the team mentor is involved in any misconduct, all teams under their supervision will be disqualified from the competition

11. Injuries and Accidents during the Match

11.1 A player can request to stop the game when he/she is injured or his/her robot had an accident and the game cannot continue.

11.2 When the game cannot continue due to player's injury or robot's accident, the player who is the cause of such injury or accident loses the match. When it is not clear which team is such a cause, the player who cannot continue the game, or who requests to stop the game, shall be declared as the loser.

11.3 Whether the game should continue in case of injury or accident shall be decided by the judges and the Committee members. The decision process shall take no longer than five minutes.

11.4 If a team is unable to continue the competition due to an incident in section 11.2, and the team is not the cause of the accident, they will receive 2 Yuhkoh, leading them to victory in the competition. If they already have 1 Yuhkoh, an additional 1 Yuhkoh will be awarded to make them the winner


1st winner (one team) receives a trophy 

Competency certificate. 


ได้เป็นตัวแทนประเทศไทยในการแข่งขันหุ่นยนต์ Sumo รุุ่น 500g Auto ณ ประเทศญี่ปุ่น

2. first runner-up (one team) receives a trophy 

Competency certificate. 


3.second runner-up (one team) receives a trophy 

Competency certificate.


4. third runner-up (one team) receives a trophy 

Competency certificate


5.fourth runner-up (four team) receives a trophy. 

Competency certificate

รางวัลที่แจ้งข้างต้นเป็นรางวัลที่ผู้เข้าแข่งขันจะได้รับเป็นอย่างน้อย และอาจมีเพิ่มเติมจากผู้ให้การสนับสนุนซึ่งจะแจ้งให้ทราบภายหลัง